Saturday, 28 May 2011

Grateful for Calm

I am grateful for calm. Worries seem so much less of a bother when I am feeling calm.
It seems Blogger has had issues lately.
Every time I had time to write something .
I found blogger wasn't working.

 I know it wasn't just me, so moving on.
  • Picture Calm thoughts and recall calm scenes and sounds.
    • Step into your garden ( do you grow your own somethings?). They say gardeners are among the calmest and relaxed people, especially while they tend their garden (not among the thorny roses please)
      • Stop and smell the roses or go for a walk and find some.
        • Don't allow others to dictate your pace. Especially haste, leave yourself plenty of time to get yourself ready to go.

          • Rest and refresh in the tub. Enough said maybe with bubbles in the bath and a glass.
            • Switch everything off  - the TV, radios, appliances and breathe in the calm.
              • Put your feet up.Even if just for 5 mins.
              Flickr 2. 1. 3.

                • Sip on a cup of warm tea - peppermint, camomile or black tea with milk & sugar if you please.
                  • Pat a pussy or a dog.
                    • Light a candle.
                      One for every hour till bedtime (more or less).
                      Sounds like a plan.

                      What makes your grateful today.


                      Naturally Carol said...

                      Thank you for dropping in to see me today! Great suggestions for some 'green calm'.

                      Naturally Carol said...

                      I forgot to tell make blogger work again..untick the little box that says 'keep signed in' when you next have to sign in to blogger. Your comments will work. I am now your newest follower.

                      acalmgreen said...

                      thank you Carol.
                      It's lovely to have some more friendly smiles in here.

                      Ifinder Ifindi said...

                      Clad, So tranquil and cool the blog by a lover of Zen and calm. Words sweet and guiding. Photos so charming. So simple and stunning totally like refreshing in the tub. Thank You for sharing fascinating.

                      Alice Becomes said...

                      great advice, and the exact sort of advice I am looking for right now. We did some gardening this afternoon. I am embarrassed to say that this is the first (proper) gardening I have ever done, other than the odd half hearted weeding and watering. You are right, definite inner calm. And I didn't even have to try

                      Gill xo

                      Anonymous said...

                      I agree with you to an extent. Whether gardening brings calm or not depends on whether you are able to just potter or whether you have a great deal to do in there and very little time to do it!

                      Moodi Mumma said...

                      Beautiful post :o)

                      I was recently awarded the "One Lovely Blog" award and I have decided to pass it on to you! If you have already received this or do not wish to accept, don't worry, I won't be offended! I just wanted to share your lovely blogs with my readers.

                      The "rules" are:
                      1. Choose five other people who deserve this award and pass it on.
                      2. Tell 7 facts about yourself.
                      3. Let the people you gave the award to know.
                      4. Thank the person who gave you the award.

                      Love your blog,

                      Moodi Mumma

                      Daisy, Roo and Two said...

                      I found you through Moodi Mumma and am so glad! Your blog really is a space of calm! I felt it as soon as I started reading! Will be following you from now on :)

                      Ifinder Ifindi said...

                      So sweet, pleasant and practical. Awaiting new post pl.